When and where do you meet?
We meet on Mondays (7pm) at St. Anthony Marie de Claret Catholic Church on Burleson St. in Kyle.
What is my role as a parent?
The best way to learn what we do is to jump in and start participating. Here are a few ways you can help as a parent:
- Attend den meetings
- Offer to lead an activity at a den meeting
- Attend parent committee meetings and offer suggestions
- Attend/help plan pack meetings
- Assist your child selling popcorn
- Attend community service projects
- Help plan camping activities and menus
- Show up early to events to help set up chairs
- Help clean up after an event
We love to utilize the skills of our parents. Please let us know what skills you have that could be shared with the scouts!
When does my Scout need a uniform? What kind of uniform?
Scouts are encouraged to get a uniform as soon as possible. However, they will not be excluded from any activities because of a lack of a uniform.
Ways to purchase a uniform:
- Visit the Council Shop in North Austin
- Order online and either ship it or contact the advancement chair about picking it up
- Contact the Advancement Chair about getting a uniform from the Pack uniform closet
Visit the Uniform section of our website for more specific information about what constitutes a uniform.
Den, Pack, Leaders… What does it all mean?

The Den
Dens consist of small groups of scouts organized by grade level. Den meetings are where most of the requirements will be earned.

The Den Leader
The den leader is a parent volunteer who plans and runs the den meetings. They help scouts and parents do all the required activities to earn the rank at their grade level.

The Pack – 125
The pack consists of all the scouts chartered by St. Anthony’s Marie de Claret. Pack meetings are held once a month to recognize achievements, perform skits, and participate in activities all together.

The Cubmaster
The Cubmaster is a parent volunteer who organizes and runs the monthly pack meetings with assistance from the committee. The Cubmaster is highly trained to make cub scouting the best experience for all scouts.

The Assistant Cubmaster
The Assistant Cubmaster is a parent volunteer who assists the Cubmaster wherever needed. They are highly trained and can step in to replace the Cubmaster whenever the need arises.

The Committee Chair
The Committee Chair is a parent volunteer who serves as the Cusmaster’s chief advisor. They are the backbone of the Pack Committee as they offer leadership to help guide the Pack towards a successful program.
How much does it cost?
Dues for Pack 125 are based on an academic year calendar. Annual dues for Pack 125 are $140 for returning Scouts 1st grade thru 4th grade. Dues for returning Arrow of Light Scouts is $100. New recruits will pay a one-time fee of $25 to the Council. The Pack dues pay for the cost of awards, patches, handbooks, and some other Pack activities. The out-of-pocket cost of the dues can be reduced by selling popcorn in our annual fundraiser.
Depending on how much camping equipment you already own, other items may be needed for your family to participate in activities such as camp outs or overnighters. The cost of a uniform is usually somewhere between $75-$95 if bought new. A small camping fee will be needed to reserve your place on Pack camp outs and to pay for food.